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Cookie policy

1. General


JBB Forex Education CommV, “commanditaire vennootschap”, with offices in Belgium, Werkenstraat 85, 8610 Handzame (Kortemark) registered with the Belgian Crossroad Bank for Enterprise under company number 0804.865.517, uses cookies and similar technologies on its website. With this Cookie Policy we want to inform you as a visitor about the way we use cookies on our website. This cookie policy applies to the website of JBB Forex Education with web address



2. What are cookies?


Cookies are small data or text files stored on your device by the browser. Similar technologies such as Pixels, plug-ins and scripts are also integral to this policy. Cookies can have different purposes. For example, you have technical cookies that track preferences on a website such as language settings or shopping cart. Cookies can be used to verify your login and can track information about the user, such as your browsing history. There are cookies that are only tracked for a particular session, or they are stored on your device for a specified period of time.


Cookies can be placed by the server of the website you are visiting or by a partner, with which this website cooperates. The website's server can only read the cookies it has placed itself. It does not have access to any other information located on your computer or mobile device.


Cookies can be placed either by the controller itself ("first-party cookies") or by a third party as a service provider for the controller ("third-party cookies").


We can divide cookies into the following categories:


Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies are indispensable for visiting the website and using certain parts of it.  For example, these cookies allow you to navigate between different parts of the website, fill in forms, ensure the security of the website, remember a language choice, and so on. No consent is asked for the setting of these cookies.


Analytical cookies

These cookies collect information about how the visitor uses the website, such as which pages are visited and which links are clicked on. Their sole purpose is to improve the functionality of the website and to provide statistics regarding the number of visitors to a particular page. These cookies will only be placed if the user has given his express consent.


Marketing cookies

These cookies track your online activity to help advertisers display more relevant ads or limit how often you see an ad. These cookies have a lifetime of up to 24 months and are set by third-party vendors.


These cookies are set only after the user has given us explicit consent.

3. What cookies does JBB Forex Education use?
























4. How do I manage my cookie preferences?

You can adjust your cookie preferences through your browser. This allows you to decide whether certain cookies may be placed and to set the browser to display a message when a cookie is placed. In addition, you can also delete cookies manually via the option that allows you to delete your browsing history. More information can be found on the pages below, depending on which browser you are using:


Deleting or disabling cookies may result in certain applications of our website and additional services not functioning optimally.


5. Changes


We reserve the right to unilaterally modify our cookie policy at any time. Any amended version is posted online and can be found on our website. Upon publication, the amended cookie statement will apply immediately. If we have hereby implemented new cookies on our website, we will ask for your consent again if required. You can find the date when our cookie policy was last amended at the top of this page.


6. What if I have any questions?


If you have any questions regarding our cookie policy, you can always contact us at

Privacy policy

1. General information


JBB Forex Education CommV, “commanditaire vennootschap”, with offices in Belgium, Werkenstraat 85, 8610 Handzame (Kortemark) registered with the Belgian Crossroad Bank for Enterprise under company number 0804.865.517, respects your privacy and strives to always treat your personal data with the necessary care and confidentiality. We hereby undertake to always comply with the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") and other applicable regulations.


For further questions or remarks in connection with the way we handle your personal data, you can always contact us, either by e-mail to or by letter to the address of our offices.


2. What is the scope of application of this Privacy Policy?


This Privacy Policy is only applicable when JBB Forex Education is in charge of the processing of your personal data. This means that JBB Forex Education acts as data controller and determines why and how your data is being processed.

‘Processing’ means any kind of data processing that could identify you as a natural person. Which specific data this may concern, will be explained in detail below. The concept of ‘processing’ is broad and includes for example the collection, storage, disclosure and distribution of your data.

This Privacy Policy is applicable on the processing of personal data by JBB Forex Education from the categories of persons mentioned hereunder. For reasons of transparency and clarity, we will keep distinguishing between these categories of persons throughout the Privacy Policy, where relevant. Which data we process from you, the purposes for which we process your data, and other relevant elements are after all dependent on your relationship with JBB Forex Education. The categories include persons who belonged to these categories in the past (e.g. former customers), and persons who may belong to these categories in the future (e.g. potential customers).

  • visitors of our public website;

  • customers of our platform, content and user forum;

  • our business partners, that assist us in operating our activities.

If one of the persons referred to above is a legal person, we still process data from our contact persons at these entities and the GDPR applies.

3. What personal data do we process?


Below we clarify what personal data we may process from you. Depending on the specific situation, your preferences and the way in which you contact us, we may not process all of the data below.


From all our contacts we may process the data below:



Customers and business partners

From (contact persons of) our customers and business partners we may additionally process the following data:

4.  For what purposes and on what legal grounds do we process personal data?

We only process your personal data for legitimate purposes that are part of our organisation’s activities. The processing is always based on the legal grounds listed in the GDPR.


The processing steps below are potentially relevant to all of our contacts.

Customers and business partners

From our business partners we process the personal data additionally for the following purposes:

5. With whom do we share your personal data?


We will not transfer your data to third parties, unless this is necessary for achieving one of the aforementioned purposes, you give your consent for such transfer, or we are required to do so by law.


Where necessary we engage external service providers, so called “data processors”, to support our operational purposes such as providing our services, managing our IT systems or performing any other (internal) business processes such as the digital storage of our customer files. These external service providers may perform certain processing activities on your data on our behalf. We will only share your data with these external service providers to the extent necessary for the relevant purpose. The data may not be used for any other purposes by these third parties. In addition, these service providers are contractually bound to ensure the confidentiality of your data by means of a so-called “data processing agreement” concluded with these parties.


Identification of categories of recipients

Specifically, this means that we share your data, to the extent relevant in your situation, with the following third parties for the following purposes, with these third parties in certain cases acting as processors on our behalf:









6. How long do we store your personal data?

We do not store your data for longer than is necessary in order to achieve the purpose for which the data has been collected or processed, as specified above.


Since the period for which the data can be stored depends on the purposes for which the data has been collected, the storage period will vary according to the individual situation. Sometimes specific legislation will require that we store certain data for a certain period. Our retention periods for personal data are based on legal requirements and balancing your rights and expectations against what is useful and necessary to provide our services, or allow you to provide your services to us.


When it is no longer necessary to process your data, we will delete or anonymize your data. If this is not (technically) possible, for example because your data is stored in backup archives, then we will retain your data, but we will not further process it and will remove it when this becomes possible.

7. From whom do we obtain your personal data?

As a customer or business partner, we mainly obtain your personal data directly from you. However, we cannot rule out obtaining certain of your personal data indirectly in specific circumstances, from public sources or from third parties.


We may also obtain personal data indirectly from our customers or business partners.


For example we may obtain your personal data indirectly from public sources. This mainly concerns limited data about your organisation that is publicly available, such as on the website of your organisation, or in the company register of your country.


In the event we obtain your data indirectly, we will inform you about the processing of your data no later than at the time of our first contact with you.

8. Where do we store your personal data and how do we protect it?

Your personal data is mainly stored externally with specialised third parties, such as the external service providers we engage for hosting our website. We try to engage external service providers that are based inside the European Economic Area (EEA).


However, it is possible that your personal data is transferred outside the EEA. As a result, your personal data may be transferred outside the countries where we and you are located. This includes to third countries outside the EEA and to countries that do not have laws that provide specific protection for personal data. We have taken steps to ensure all personal data is provided with adequate protection and that all transfers of personal data outside the EEA are done lawfully.


Where we transfer personal data outside of the EEA to a country not determined by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protection for personal data, the transfers will be under an agreement which covers the EU requirements for the transfer of personal data outside the EU, such as the European Commission approved standard contractual clauses or your explicit consent that will be requested before transferring your personal data outside of the EEA.


In any case, we and our processors have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures with a view to protecting your data against loss or any form of unlawful processing.

9. What are your rights?

You have several rights concerning the personal data we process about you. If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out below, please contact us using the contact details provided in the first heading of this Privacy Policy.

Right of access and copy

You have the right to access your data and to obtain a copy thereof. This right also includes the possibility of requesting further information on the processing of your data, including on the categories of data processed about you and for what purposes.


Right to rectification

You have the right to have your data amended if you believe we have incorrect data.


Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)

You have the right to request that we delete your data without unreasonable delay. However, we will not always be able to comply with such a request, including when we still need the data in function of a current contractual relationship, or when the retention of certain data for a certain period is required by law.


Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to restrict the processing of your data. In this way, the processing is temporarily stopped until, for example, there is certainty about its accuracy.


Right to withdraw your consent

Where processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us. For marketing messages you receive from us via email based on your consent, you can easily withdraw this consent by clicking 'Unsubscribe' at the bottom of each such message.


Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of your data based on our legitimate interests. This should be based on reasons specific to your situation. In this case, we must stop processing unless we provide compelling legitimate grounds to continue processing.


However, you can always object to the use of your data for direct marketing purposes, after which we are obliged to stop the processing for these purposes.


Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain your data, which you have provided to us yourself, in electronic form. In this way, they can be easily transferred to another organization. You also have the right to request us to transfer your data directly to another organization, if this is technically possible.


Right to complain to your supervisory authority

If you believe that we are improperly processing your data, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with your data protection supervisory authority. You can do this with the supervisory authority of the EEA member state where you usually reside, where you have your place of work or where the alleged infringement has taken place. Since we manage and coordinate the project activities primarily from Belgium, please refer below to the contact details of the Belgian Data Protection Authority.


                               Belgian Data Protection Authority (GBA)

Drukpersstraat 35

1000 Brussels

+32 (0)2 274 48 00

Website GBA - filing a complaint


For further information and the contact details of the supervisory authority of each EEA member state, please refer to this website page of the European Data Protection Board with all relevant contact details. In addition, you may always apply to the competent civil court to make a claim for compensation.

10. How can you exercise your rights?

You can exercise the aforementioned rights simply by sending us an e-mail or by sending us a letter (see our contact details above).


When you make a request to exercise your rights, if we have any doubts about your identity, we will ask you to verify it. In this case, we will request the transmission of documents that enable your identification beyond a reasonable doubt, such as a copy of the front of your identity card.

11. Changes

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy. The most recent version is available on our website at all times. The date on which this Privacy Policy was last amended can be found at the top of this page. In the event of a substantial change in the Privacy Policy, we will inform the data subjects on whom this may have an impact, directly if possible.

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